Bunnings Interview Questions
Bunnings Interview Questions

If you are looking for Bunnings Interview Questions you have come to the right place.

We all know interviews are stressful and competition is intense.

However, with a small amount of competition, you can ace the job interview.

Here we will discuss Bunnings Interview Questions.

Please note these are practice interview questions and we are not affiliated with the company mentioned in this post.

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Bunnings Interview Questions and Answers

1. Can you tell me about yourself?

  • It’s okay to discuss your hobbies and interests; but, keep it brief. Try to focus on relevant work experience. Remember that having relevant work experience will put you ahead of the competition.

2. Why do you want to work at Bunnings?

Possible Answers are

  • Mention you have a passion for home improvement and will enjoy helping others meet their DIY needs.
  • Say you have great communication skills that allow you to work well with customers and other team members.
  • State you would like a job that will keep you active.

3. Why should I hire you?

  • Look at the job description and find the key skills and experience required to do the job. Reassure the interviewer that you have the skills and experience required to do the position. Note your answer needs to show that you are the solution to the employer’s problem (a vacancy on their team) and that you are the best person for the role.

4. What hours can you work?

  • The more flexible you are with your hours, the better your chance of getting hired, so be flexible!
  • Let the interviewer know if you can work on weekends and holidays.

Company Information

5. What can you tell us about Bunnings Warehouse?

About Bunnings Warehouse

  • Bunnings is a leading retailer of home improvement and outdoor living products, and a major supplier to project builders, commercial tradespeople, and the housing industry.
  • The chain has been owned by Wesfarmers since 1994
  • Bunnings Warehouse acquired South Australian retailer Adelaide Tools in April 2020.
  • Founded in 1886 by Arthur and Robert Bunning, the retailer initially focused on sawmilling.

Bunnings stores stock around 45,000 products, including; plants, gardening equipment and supplies, indoor and outdoor lighting, flooring, heating and cooling, hand and power tools, paint, home storage, kitchens and appliances, garden furniture and play equipment, plumbing and electrical products, building supplies and timber. 

6. Who are Bunnings Competitors?

  • Bunning’s biggest competitors are Home Timber & Hardware, and Mitre 10.

Customer Service Interview Questions

7. How would you define excellent customer service?

  • The customer is not waiting long for their order.
  • Customers receive friendly service.
  • The restaurant is clean both inside and outside.
  • The product is made to order.

8. How would you deal with a difficult customer?

  1. Listen and let the customer vent.
  2. Show the customer you care.
  3. Don’t blame the customer or the company.
  4. Try to solve the problem or find someone who can.
  5. Don’t make promises you can’t keep.
  6. Finally, it is important not to take it personally.  If you get upset you will take it on future customers.

9. Can you tell us when you went above and beyond for a customer?

  • Customers love it when you go above and beyond for them, which will, in turn, generate more business. Try to think of a time when you went above and beyond for a customer. For example, when I was a server at a restaurant, we did not have a specific dessert in the restaurant. Luckily, the restaurant next door had it and I got it for the customer.   
  • Here’s another example: I worked at a fast-food chain in my last job.  There was a senior citizen at the restaurant and he had finished his meal. The rain started, and he started to worry because he didn’t have an umbrella. Luckily, I had an umbrella, so I walked him to his car, sheltering him from the rain.

10. Why is customer service so important?

Great customer service can

  • Increase customer loyalty.
  • Grow the amount of money each customer spends per visit.
  • Increase how often a customer buys from you.
  • Generate positive word-of-mouth about your business.

Additional Interview Questions

11. How do you feel about standing for long periods?

  • Most jobs in retail will require you to work on your feet for long periods. Tell the interviewer you do not have a problem with this. Wear comfortable, well-fitting shoes with low heels, maintain good posture, and stay hydrated.

12. How was your attendance in your last job?

  • Be honest when answering this question as the interviewer may check references.
  • Emphasize that you understand the importance of starting your shift on time.

13. What motivates you?

Possible answers are:

Do Say

  • Meeting deadlines, targets, or goals
  • Mentoring and coaching others
  • Learning new things
  • Coming up with creative ideas to improve something, or make something new
  • Working well as part of a team
  • Finding a way to solve a problem, or overcome a challenge

Don’t Say

  • Money 
  • Employee Discounts

14. How did you find this job?

  • Interviewers ask this question because they want to hire someone specific in their job hunt.
  • Employers want to hire someone who knows what they want. Therefore, state you have been actively monitoring jobs on the company’s website and are happy to get the interview.
  • Note you have to be honest when answering this question as they may already know how you applied for this position.

15. If you could be one animal what would it be?

Possible Answers are

  • Dogs show loyalty.
  • Ants are hard workers and team players.
  • Dolphins are smart.
  • Elephants are strong.
  • Gorilla is gentle but powerful, a good parent, and a good leader.

16. How would your previous manager describe you?

Stating you have any of the characteristics below is a great way to answer this question. 

  • My boss would describe me as motivated, enthusiastic, respectful, curious,  presentable, happy, honest, polite, smart, ambitious, high energy, hospitable, and conscientious.

Questions to ask at the end of the interview

17. Do you have any questions for us?

  • What do you like best about working here?
  • How do you describe your ideal candidate for this position?
  • What about this position is the most important?
  • How do you measure my success, and what could I do to meet your expectations?
  • Which part of the position has the steepest learning curve? What can I do to get up to speed quickly?
  • What opportunities will I have to learn and grow?

Bunnings Team Member Interview Questions

Here are our top 5 team member interview questions

  1. Why should we hire you as a team member at Bunnings Warehouse?
  2. What hours can you work?
  3. How would you deal with a difficult customer?
  4. Can you tell us about a time you gave great customer service?
  5. Are you a team player?

Bunnings Behavioral Interview Questions

Here are our top situational interview questions. Try to make sure each answer has a positive outcome.

  1. Name a time you disagreed with a coworker or manager and what was the outcome?
  2. Tell us about a time you dealt with an upset customer. How did you resolve that?  
  3. Can you tell me when you received negative feedback from your manager? How did you handle it?  
  4. Have you ever been in a situation where you had a big workload and felt overwhelmed? How did you deal with that?  
  5. Could you tell me when your punctuality or attendance impacted your work?

What should I wear to a Bunnings interview?

Entry-Level Position

Entry-Level Position

  • Dress business casually if you are interviewing for an entry-level position.  Do not wear shorts and avoid wearing jeans.
Management Position

Management Position

  • Dress formally or business casual if you are interviewing for a management position.  Blazers and dark trousers are a safe choice, as well as wrap dresses for females. Avoid sportswear clothes. 


  • Blue tells employers that you’re credible and trustworthy.
  • Black shows leadership and is great if you’re going for a senior position.
  • Red sends a message that you are assertive and will work well in a field like sales.

  • People consider wearing orange to a job interview unprofessional, linking it to being the worst color choice.