Fast Food Interview Questions
Fast Food Interview Questions

If you are looking for fast food interview questions you have come to the right place.

We all know interviews are stressful and competition is intense.

However, with a small amount of preparation, you can ace the interview.

Here we will discuss fast food job interview questions.

Fast Food Interview Questions and Answers

1. Can you tell us about yourself?

  • It’s okay to discuss your hobbies and interests; but, keep it brief. Try to focus on relevant work experience. Remember that having relevant work experience will put you ahead of the competition.

2. Why do you want to work in the fast food industry?

Possible Answers are

  • Say you want to learn and grow your career in the restaurant industry.
  • Mention you will enjoy the challenge of working under pressure.
  • State you would like a job that keeps you active.

3. What is your greatest strength?

This question is an invitation to explain why you are the best-qualified candidate for this job!

The answer should be broken down into three parts

  1. The Strength – state the strength
  2. Proof of the strength – an example of how you have used this strength.
  3. The strength’s relevance to THIS job.

4. How do you handle stress and pressure?

  • Give specific ways that you manage your stress. For example, you may use prioritization, communication, problem-solving, or taking a step back and taking a deep breath to deal with stress. Explain how these methods help you perform better and stay calm under pressure.

Strengths and weaknesses for a fast food interview

5. What is your greatest weakness?

  • It would help if you did not deny you have a weakness or state strengths as a weakness. For example, do not say “I am a perfectionist” or “I work too hard and neglect my friends and family”. State a fault required for the role but not a dealbreaker if you don’t have it.
  • When you state your weakness, make sure you say what you are doing to overcome that weakness. For example, I have a fear of public speaking and enrolled in a public speaking class to overcome my fear.

6. What hours can you work?

  • The more flexible you are with your hours, the better your chance of getting hired, so be flexible!
  • Let the interviewer know if you can work on weekends and holidays.

Company Information

7. What can you tell us about this restaurant?

  • Interviewers ask this question to weed out applicants who are hoping to get an interview by randomly applying to hundreds of jobs. Instead, they want to meet with applicants who have done their research about the company. Here are a few facts about this company

8. Who are our competitors?

  • Learning who the restaurant’s competitors are will help you answer why you want to work there over other restaurants.
  • Most Americans eat fast food 1-3 times a week.
  • ⅓ of Americans are eating fast food on any given day.
  • People ages 20-39 years old eat the most fast food on any given day.
  • Men consume more fast food than women.
  • 83% of American families eat fast food at least once a week.
  • The average American household spends 10% of its annual income on fast food.

Customer Service Interview Questions

9. How would you define excellent customer service?

  • The customer is not waiting long for their order.
  • Customers receive friendly service.
  • The restaurant is clean both inside and outside.
  • The product is made to order.

10. Why is customer service so important?

Great customer service can

  • Increase customer loyalty.
  • Grow the amount of money each customer spends per visit.
  • Increase how often a customer buys from you.
  • Generate positive word-of-mouth about your business.

11. How would you deal with a difficult customer?

  1. Listen and let the customer vent.
  2. Show the customer you care.
  3. Don’t blame the customer or the company.
  4. Try to solve the problem or find someone who can.
  5. Don’t make promises you can’t keep.
  6. Finally, it is important not to take it personally.  If you get upset you will take it on future customers.

12. Can you tell us about a time you went above and beyond for a customer?

  • Customers love it when you go above and beyond for them, which will, in turn, generate more business. Try to think of a time when you went above and beyond for a customer. For example, when I was a server at a restaurant, we did not have a specific dessert in the restaurant. Luckily, the restaurant next door had it and I got it for the customer.   
  • Here’s another example: I worked at a fast-food chain in my last job.  There was a senior citizen at the restaurant and he had finished his meal. The rain started, and he started to worry because he didn’t have an umbrella. Luckily, I had an umbrella, so I walked him to his car, sheltering him from the rain.

13. Can you describe a time when you had to deal with a customer and you could not resolve their complaint?

  • Sometimes customers make complaints that are impossible to resolve. What is important is how you diffused the situation and did your best to make sure the customer left happy.
  • For example, a customer once came in with an expired coupon and they were upset they could not get the discount on their order. I apologized to the customer. I noticed the customer had small children and she would have to stand around and wait for her order. After I apologized I told the customer to find a table and I would bring the meals over to them for which the customer was grateful.

It all comes back to the basics. Serve customers the best-tasting food at a good value in a clean, comfortable restaurant, and they’ll keep coming back.

Dave Thomas

CEO and Founder, Wendy's

Questions regarding previous work experience

14. What do you like most about your current or last job?

  • Unfortunately, this could be a trick question where they ask about things you didn’t like in your previous job.
  • The best answer is to say that you enjoyed everything about your last job; however, you feel that you have learned all you could in that role and are now looking for new challenges.

15. Why is there a gap in your resume?

  • The best approach when answering this question is to be honest because being truthful about your situation gives the employer a sense of your integrity and confidence.

16. Why did you leave your last job?

Interviewers ask this question for the following reasons.

  • Did you leave for a good reason?
  • Did you leave voluntarily?
  • Did you leave on good terms?
  • What are your work values?

Here is a sample response

“I enjoyed my last job at Company XYZ, however, I felt growth was minimal and I was no longer learning. I want to explore new challenges”.

17. How was your attendance in your last job?

  • Be honest when answering this question as the interviewer may check references.
  • Emphasize that you understand the importance of starting your shift on time.

Additional Interview Questions

18. What motivates you?

Employers ask this question because they want to see your resiliency, and determination in how you’ll handle challenges and setbacks.  

Do Say!

  • Meeting deadlines, targets, or goals
  • Mentoring and coaching others
  • Learning new things.
  • Coming up with creative ideas to improve something, or make something new.
  • Working well as part of a team.
  • Finding a way to solve a problem, or overcome a challenge.

Don’t Say!

  • Money is your motivator. The only exception is if you are in sales
  • Employee Discounts.

19. Can you work well with others?

  • Teamwork is very important in restaurants so it is best to say you work well with others. Try and follow up with an example from your previous work experience on how you were successful working as a team.

20. Why is personal appearance so important?

  • Since the majority of roles at fast food restaurants are customer-facing personal appearance is very important.  Customers need to feel people preparing and serving the food are hygienic which can be seen through personal appearance.  

21. How do you feel about standing on your feet for long periods?

  • Most restaurant jobs require you to work on your feet for long periods. If possible, let the interviewer know you do not have a problem with this. Wear comfortable, well-fitting shoes with low heels, maintain good posture, and stay hydrated.

22. If you could be one animal what would it be?

Possible Answers are

  • Dogs show loyalty.
  • Ants are hard workers and team players.
  • Dolphins are smart.
  • Elephants are strong.
  • Gorilla is gentle but powerful, a good parent, and a good leader.

23. Why should we hire you?

  • Have a second read of the job description and find the skills and experience required for the position.
  • Next, match the skills required for the job to your skill set.
  • Finally, reassure the interviewer you have the right skills.

24. How did you find this job?

  • Interviewers ask this question because they want to hire someone specific in their job hunt.
  • Employers want to hire someone who knows what they want. Therefore, state you have been actively monitoring jobs on the company’s website and are happy to get the interview.
  • Note you have to be honest when answering this question as they may already know how you applied for this position.

25. What item do you like best on our menu?

  • Stating your favorite menu item shows the interviewer you are passionate about the restaurant’s products. Perhaps mention you recently tried a feature item and loved it as it shows you are a recent customer.

26. How do you feel about working the drive-in?

  • A large portion of revenue comes from the drive-in at fast food restaurants. Drive-thrus captured 82.4 percent of the spending in 2020. Tell the interviewer you have no issues working the drive-in.

27. Where do you see yourself in five years?

  • Interviewers ask this question because they want to see you have goals and ambitions. Interviewers also ask this question because they want to see if you are a good fit for the industry.

28. Have you ever been in a situation where you had a big workload and felt overwhelmed? How did you deal with that?

  • Everyone gets overwhelmed from time to time. What is important is how you deal with the situation. Tell the interviewer you would deal with critical items first then deal with items that you could get done the quickest. Also, tell the interviewer you have no issue asking for help and helping others when they get overwhelmed.

Questions to Ask at the End of Your Interview

Tip! Don’t be afraid to ask questions during the interview. Asking questions is important because it builds rapport between you and the interviewer.

29. Do you have any questions for us?

  • What do you like best about working here?
  • How do you describe your ideal candidate for this position?
  • What about this position is the most important?
  • How do you measure my success, and what could I do to meet your expectations?
  • Which part of the position has the steepest learning curve? What can I do to get up to speed quickly?
  • What opportunities will I have to learn and grow?

What should I bring to a fast food interview?

  1. Bring extra copies of your resume
  2. A list of references
  3. A list of questions you want to ask the interviewer
  4. Directions on how to get to the interview

How do I prepare for a fast-food interview

  • Research the company and the position. Learn about the company’s mission, values, and menu items.
  • Review the job description and responsibilities and think of how your skills and experience match them.
  • Map out the route ahead of time and give yourself some extra time so you don’t arrive late.

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